Friday 9 September 2011

Information about some dogs and cats

                                ABOUT THE SIAMESE CAT

The exact origins of the breed are unknown, but it is believed to be from southeast Asia, and is said to be descended from the sacred temple cats of Siamese [ now Thailand] .  In Thailand , where there are one of several  native breeds, they are called Wichien -maat. In the twentieth century the cats became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America. The Siamese is one of the first distinctly recognised breeds of   Oriental cat.




                                           ABOUT THE PERSIAN CAT

The Persian cat originates from the Iranian plateau, a large area between the Hindukush mountains and Mesopotamia traditionally known as "Persia" in the West, correspounding to the central territories of the Persian Empire. However, interbreeding of Angoras with native British domestic longhairs in the 19th Century makes the true origin of the breed unclear. The Persian's European debut is credited to Pietro Della Valle, an Italian traveller.
The Persian cat is one of the oldest breeds of cat. In Britain, it is called the "Longhair" or "Persian Longhair". A Persian cat without an established and registered pedigree is classed as a domestic longhair cat.


                                    ABOUT THE CORNISH REX

A Cornish Rex is a breed of domestic cat. The Cornish Rex has no hair except for down. Most breeds of cat have three different types of hair in their coats: the outer fur or "guard hairs", which is about 5 cm long in shorthairs and 10cm+ long in longhairs; a middle layer called the "awn hair"; and the down hair or undercoat, which is very fine and about 1 cm long. Cornish Rexes only have the undercoat and thus only lose a few of very fine hairs at a time like humans and do not shed like other cats.

picture of Cornish Rex

                                    NOW ABOUT DOGS


                                        ABOUT THE BEAGLE

The Beagle, which looks like a small foxhound, is a reliable hunting dog with a pleasant personality. The Beagle has become one of the most popular dogs according to recent statistics in the United States and has been made famous by the incredibly popular "Snoopy" from the comic strip "Peanuts". Beagles today are generally found to be 13" and 15" tall, and colored either red, white and lemon, or tri-colored.

The term Beagle was derived from the French term "be'geule" referring to the voice of the hounds as the pursued game in the 1500's. At the time, the English used packs of hounds to hunt; large hounds tracked deer, while smaller ones like the Beagle hunted rabbits.

picture of a beagle

                                  ABOUT THE DACHSHUND

The Dachshund is a lively canine with a very friendly personality and amazing sense of smell. Dachshunds, which translates to "badger dog" in German, are known for very long and low bodies and have become very popular family animals according to recent statistics. Generally they appear in three coat varieties - longhaired, smooth, or wirehaired.

The Dachshund was bred in the Germany around the 1600s as a fearless dog that would dig through the earth of a burrow created by badgers and fight them to the death.

The Dachshund, meaning "badger dog" in German, is a lively breed with a friendly personality and keen sense of smell. Known for their long and low bodies, they are eager hunters that excel in both above- and below-ground work. One of the most popular breeds according to AKC® Registration Statistics, they come in three different coat varieties (Smooth, Wirehaired or Longhaired) and can be miniature or standard size.

picture of a dachshund

                                     ABOUT THE LHASA  APSO  DOG

The Lhasa Apso has a beautiful coat of hair which parts down the back from head to tail. They are commonly seen as a mischievous, joyful, and dignified breed whose goal in life is to please their master. The Lhasa Apso has become popular in dog shows and competitions and excels in agility challenges.

The Lhasa Apso was originally found in the isolated regions of the Himalayan Mountains hundreds of years ago. They were used to guard homes of nobility and Buddhist monasteries. Suydam Cuttings in 1933 brought the first Lhasa Apsos to the United States as a gift from the 13th Dalai Lama.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

how dogs and cats were domesticated

                                       HOW CATS WERE DOMESTICATED

Wall paintings show that cats were being tamed in ancient Egypt before 2500 B.C
Although  the Egyptians forbade the export of their cats, they still spread to ancient Greece by 500 B.C.
They were also recorded in India before 100 B.C.

cats were first tamed over 4,000 years ago in ancient Egypt.

                                       HOW DOGS WERE DOMESTICATED 

Dogs were first domesticated from wolves over 10,000 years ago in middle East and accompanied people
across the world. Contact between humans and dogs may have evolved as wolves scavenged around human
settlements. The dogs great potential as a guard and hunting companion was soon realized.


Dogs were first domesticated about 12,000 years ago.

Monday 5 September 2011

About dogs and cats

Pets are nice to have. Dogs and cats are good to have too. There are in different breeds. There are about 400 breeds of dogs. These are the breeds i know :
  1. German Shepard
  2. Great Dane
  3. Dalmatian
  4. Setzu
  5. St  bernard
  6. blood hound
  7. lhas apso
  8. pointer
  9. Siberian husky
  10. Labrador
  11. golden retriever
  12. Labrador retriver
  13. dashund
  14. bulldog
  15. shetie
  16. boxer
  17. cocker spaniel  and beagle .

Dogs are very big and some are small. Dogs need exercise by taking your dog for a walk. dogs eat some particular foods. There are also stray dogs that live on the roads. You have to train your if you want it to do tricks. you can neuter your dog if you don't want puppies.

Cats are good pets.  Cats like to be independent and sleep all day.  Male cats usually get into fights but female cats stay safe and away from the males.  Only in the mating season , when they are ready to mate they meet the male cats.  Cats eat only : Meat, bones, seafood, mice, birds , snakes and other small animals.

There are about 40 breeds of cats. Cats were tamed over 4000 yrs ago in  Ancient Egypt.  Cats enjoy human contact especially being stroked.  They are about 3 -8 kittens in a mother cats litter.  They are born blind and helpless.  Withing two weeks their eyes open and they can see.  Their mother teaches them to hunt.  They like practicing hunting by stroking and pouncing on a string and cat toys. 

Cat facts:
  • Cats survive only on meat or fish. They can catch when hungry even the largest cat will eat insects.  
  • Australia , Antarctica are the only continents that have no native cat species
Cat Anatomy facts:
  •  A cat breeds four times faster than a human and it heart beats twice as fast.
  • Cats do not chew their food but swallow it in large chunks.
  • The back muscles of the cat are very flexible. 
  • The record body length of a domestic cat is 41.5 in. (105 cms)